Jordan’s Principle
Teiotonhontsóhon taiethiiahrhò:ten’ akwé:kon ne iethiien’okón:’a. Jordan’s Principle enionkwarì:wawa’se’
Every child has unique needs. Jordan’s Principle can help.
Our History
Named after Jordan River Anderson, Jordan’s Principle seeks equality for First Nations children by filling gaps that exist in publicly funded health, social, and education programs.
At age 2, Jordan could have started receiving home-based care for his special needs, but the federal and provincial governments couldn’t agree on who should pay. Jordan remained in hospital for three years, until he died at age 5.
In 2007, the federal government passed a law named Jordan’s Principle to ensure this wouldn’t happen again.
What is Jordan’s Principle?
Some of the products and services funded are:
Assistive technology (laptop)
Screenings (autism, psychoeducational, ADHD, etc.)
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Today, First Nations children can get the products, services, and supports they need—when they need them. Jordan’s Principle offices across the country, including ours in Kahnawà:ke, can now ensure payment for such services promptly, so that children don’t bear the burden of disagreements between governments.
The program funds a wide variety of needs: all normally available government services for First Nations children—including early childhood services, dental, physical therapy, medical equipment, mental health, speech therapy, and more.
Our Team
Art therapy
Tutoring and more!
Kahnawà:ke’s health authority, Onkwata’karitàhtshera, has set up a Jordan’s Principle office in the community to serve our families living here and outside the community.
We have a full-time team ready to help you apply for benefits. All of your communications and application with us are kept confidential, shared only with the Jordan’s Principle head office for its funding decision.
Kirsten Sheridan
Health Programs Liaison for Jordan’s Principle and Non-insured Health Benefits
Isaiah Cree
Health Programs Liaison for Jordan’s Principle and Non-insured Health Benefits
Who is eligible?
All First Nations children, aged 0-18 years, with or without special needs, and whether you live in or outside Kahnawà:ke. Children can be eligible more than once.
How to Apply
Before applying, please prepare ahead to help our office help families faster. Follow these steps:
You first need a letter of support or referral from your doctor, psychologist, social worker, dentist, or school. It must be on official letterhead with a date and signature. An email from them is also accepted.
You then need your service provider to describe their treatment plan, duration, and cost—also on official letterhead, signed, and dated.
You choose your own service provider. We’re not allowed to recommend any.
You will need your original receipt for the service or product.
Services your child received dating back to April 1, 2007, may be covered.
Once you have the above, contact us.
We will have you read and sign a parental consent form (individuals 16 years and older can sign).
We will then complete the application with you.
Orthodontics & Tuition Assistance
If your application is for orthodontics, it will go to the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program first. If refused there, you will need the refusal letter for Jordan’s Principle to cover the service. If your orthodontist doesn’t have a refusal letter for you, contact the NIHB orthodontics call center: 1-866-227-0943.
If the request for reimbursement is dated before July 5, 2016, provide a letter of recommendation from the orthodontist giving reasons for orthodontic treatment, including a description of the work that was done and the amount paid.
If your application is for tuition assistance, make sure the referral letter from your physician, psychologist, or other recognized professional is strong and presents the needs of your child with a recommendation for a specific school or service, and a confirmation of the diagnosis or learning disability.
In order to proceed with your application, please ensure the following requirements are met:
The letter(s) of support from your school must describe why it’s unable to meet your child’s needs (if your child is changing schools).
Or, if your child is already at the new school, its letter must outline the benefits of attending for your child.
Recent copies of your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and report card are required.
The letter of support from your prospective school must describe how it can benefit your child and outline the tuition cost for the September-to-June school year.
The Kahnawà:ke Education Center must provide a letter confirming the amount contributed for the school year from September to June.
Documents must be on official letterhead, signed, and dated.
Apply Now
We’re here to help. Don’t be shy. All children are eligible for all kinds of services.
The demand in Kahnawà:ke for the program is already high. The more you can follow all the procedures and have the documents you need, the easier and sooner we’ll be able to help you.
For more information, or assistance in completing your application, please contact us.
Jordan’s Principle Client Intake Form
Kirsten Sheridan & Isaiah Cree
Health Programs Liaisons
Jordan’s Principle & Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
(450) 632-8464
(450) 632-5116
For any general inquiries related to your Jordan’s Principle claim please email jordansprinciple@kscskahnawake.ca, for any inquires related to Jordan’s Principle invoices please email jpinvoices@kscskahnawake.ca.
Niá:wen for contacting Jordan’s Principle Kahnawà:ke. If you would like to access services from Jordan’s Principle, please fill out the form and click submit. Once we receive your information, you will receive a follow up call or email within 72 hours.
- Jordan’s Principle Team
Spread the word!
We’re organizing a special information campaign to ensure everyone in Kahnawà:ke learns about Jordan’s Principle, including a launch event and monthly information sessions thereafter. Tell your friends and family about it—and help us spread the word to families who may be harder to reach!
Also watch our website and social media for information on upcoming events.
If you’re an authority writing letters of support, please treat them promptly! If you’re a teacher or other professional eligible to provide a child with a letter of referral or support, your time doing so can make a major difference in the child’s life. We know you’re already busy, so we especially appreciate your commitment to this. Nia:wen!